
Showing posts from July, 2017


Dedication.  The first person's life this blog has changed is my own. 

The two sunsets

The two sunsets Some years ago, I've really lost track, my little brother spent a night dying, while I watched the sunset twice. He was in Austin, I was in Taos. I was sharing an irreplaceable moment with my wife, and he was alone. It was a bullet wound to the head, and although many people have many opinions about exactly what happened the result is the same:  DAVES NOT HERE.        As he died in Austin, Kelley and I had found a dirt and gravel road in the Taos ski valley. The road we were on led to the shale fall. There's a sign that reads:  PRECARIOUS ROAD, and it is........she and I sat on the hood of my green 1970's Toyota Land Cruiser that was rusting away and smoked a joint while the sun set. She said, "that was so beautiful, I wish we could see it again."  I thought to myself, "precarious road runs northwest uphill." As many sunsets on mountains I'd seen before, I suddenly realized,  "We can see it again, just get in the jeep and

Last time I checked, I'm not dead yet.

I'm not dead yet.  I should be more than once, but  for what ever reason, I'm still here. I've thought about suicide before, actually gotten close a few times. I lost my baby brother to suicide or murder, were never going to be sure, who knows. Served in the army - Witnessed many violent deaths. I’ve lost way too many brilliant friends at way too young an age. I’ve been sexually assaulted, robed, raped, hungry, dead broke, addicted to drugs and alcohol, rich and lost it all (more than once).  I’ve been accused of crimes  I  didn't commit, been to jail several times, once for an entire month. I've been slandered, bullied, smeared, belittled, betrayed, and beaten down by this world in ways I can't even describe, but I'm still here. In some ways I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I lived my dream and sang to an audience, who was silent and listened to every word I said, for at least 5 nights per week for 23 years. I've written and produced  multipl

Stop and smell the roses; but,

You’ve got to walk the straight and narrow path through the world of the wicked.

It's not political!

I'm pretty sure David didn't care if   Goliath    was a republican or a  democrat !   # BGCallan

Focus of Intent

Imagine where you are going, and get there.  Focus of Intent! # BGCallan


It's not that the show must go on, the show DOES go on.......  # BGCallan

The importance of habits.......

The importance of habits. You are what you do.... It's been said that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Many of us dream and plan, read and discover, and somewhere along the way develop an abstract idea of who we think we are, so there may be some truth in that abstract idea of ourselves; however, what you do in this world is what actually defines who you are in this world. What impact will you make?  Your actions add up to who you physically become.........  #BGCallan

Passion is Constant.......

Life is about passion.  A degree of commitment to the moment. How we feel and then express emotions based on those feelings are two different things;  passion is the how much. Passion is energy. Energy is neither lost or gained, it is transferred. Moments come and go, but passion is constant.  #BGCallan

Don't be afraid to feel or to live.......

Think of a stone thrown into a still pond........ Now imagine the ripples created by just a tiny pebble......... That's the affect things, ideas; feelings, or people have on us when they touch our souls.  I love what Jason Silva says about "the kiss", I love pretty much every post of his I've seen; but, the one about the kiss is exquisite. It cuts right to the heart of the matter:  who, exactly, do we let in????  How far does trust go before it becomes "gullible?"  When and how much of ourselves do we give;  and if we don't give EVERYTHING, have we really ever given love a chance? You don't really know someone until you have swum in their soul, and they have swam in yours........ Don't be afraid to understand or embrace these moments, don't spend your life being afraid to feel or to live. #BGCallan

Riding the Tube

I'm a pretty good surfer.  Right now I'm way off shore and a giant wave is approaching.  I'm scared. I have to either surf it or die.  I've been called, and when GOD calls you, you're gonna listen. IT"S TIME TO RIDE THE TUBE!  #BGCallan

Lead with your voice, follow your heart, in the end it's all about connecting....... #BGCallan

As with any Journey, the only way to begin is by taking the first step, and as it turns out, the only way to start a blog is to log on and begin to write.  This is a story of baby steps, and how they all add up to   the world we create that surrounds us; and so together, we begin....... #BGCallan